Current Audits

Performance and Compliance Audits in Progress


Custodial sentences at Ashley Youth Detention Centre

This audit will assess whether the length of custodial stays undertaken at Ashley Youth Detention Centre are compliant with sentencing orders. This is in response to the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings Report (2023), Recommendation 12.26.

This audit is underway.


Follow up of selected Auditor-General reports

This audit will assess the degree to which entities implemented recommendations made in selected reports.

The audit will examine the implementation of recommendations made in 3 reports tabled between October 2019 and August 2020:

  • Report of the Auditor-General No. 2 of 2019-20: University of Tasmania’s management of student accommodation
  • Report of the Auditor-General No. 1 of 2020-21: Effectiveness of Internal Audit
  • Report of the Auditor-General No. 2 of 2020-21: Management of Underperformance in the Tasmanian State Service.

This audit is underway.


Shared services arrangements in the General Government Sector

This audit will assess the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the design and delivery of selected shared services arrangements. The audit will focus on whether service providers and clients:

  • planned the shared services arrangements effectively
  • monitor the performance of, and improve, shared services arrangements.

This audit is underway.


Please see the Auditor-General’s Annual Plan 2024-25 for other future audits here.


If you have any information that you believe could be useful to us, please write to us at:

Tasmanian Audit Office GPO Box 851 Hobart TAS 7001