
Raising concerns about a Tasmanian State entity

Alongside the Auditor-General’s primary function of carrying out annual financial statement audits, section 23 of the Audit Act 2008 provides the Auditor-General with powers to undertake investigations or examinations. These are outlined in our Annual Plan of Work, tabled in the Parliament each year. We also receive a large number of investigation referrals each year from members of the public, elected officials and other stakeholders. To be clear, the Tasmanian Audit Office is not a complaints handling organisation and the Auditor-General has full discretion as to the matters he audits. As we have limited resources, we cannot investigate all matters referred, however, we welcome your feedback about matters relating specifically to the potential misuse of public money or public property in state entities (the organisations we audit).

Where might we redirect your concern if this does not fall within our mandate?

If you have a complaint or concern regarding one of the organisations we audit you should always contact that organisation directly in the first instance. Most organisations have a process to manage complaints and their websites will usually have details on how to make a complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the way the organisation concerned has responded to your complaint, one of these agencies may be able to help. If we think one of these organisations is better placed to assist you, we will ask you to refer the matter to them instead.

I’m concerned about a Tasmanian state or local government administration

You can contact the Tasmanian Ombudsman

Some of the issues the Ombudsman looks into:

  • the actions of Tasmanian government departments and agencies
  • the provision of local government services
  • the treatment and welfare of people in prison
  • administrative actions of State-owned businesses and Government Business Enterprises
  • reviews of right to information requests.

I’m concerned about the actions of particular individuals in a government organisation

You can contact the Tasmanian Integrity Commission

The Tasmanian Audit Office never investigates the actions of individuals, only organisations. If you think someone in a government organisation is not doing the right thing, this might constitute misconduct. Misconduct is improper behaviour by a public officer, as defined in the Integrity Commission Act 2009. It means:

  • breaching an applicable code of conduct
  • exercising functions or powers dishonestly or improperly
  • misusing information obtained in carrying out duties
  • misusing public resources, or
  • adversely affecting or attempting to adversely affect the honest or proper performance of another public officer.

I have a complaint about my council

You can contact the Tasmanian Office of Local Government

Formal complaints can be made against councils, councillors and council employees. Complaints may be about:

  • council policies, procedures, services, fees and purchasing and tender processes
  • councillor conduct
  • the Local Government Act 1993 and related legislation against a council, councillor, general manager or council employee
  • administrative actions of councils
  • misconduct or unethical conduct of councillors and council employees
  • planning.

I think someone in a government organisation has committed a crime

You should contact Tasmania Police

You can report in person to Tasmania Police or anonymously via Crime Stoppers.

If your matter does not fit the above categories and relates to the use of public money, other money or to public property or other property in a Tasmanian government body you can submit your feedback using the below form, or by contacting us directly:

Email us at

Post us at Tasmanian Audit Office, Enquiries, GPO Box 851, Hobart TAS 7001

Asterisk in the below form are mandatory fields to answer.


  • Max. file size: 64 MB.


When you provide us your personal information by post, email or through this website:

  • we will record your email address and other information submitted
  • we will use the information for the purpose for which you provide it in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004

What happens next?

If you have provided us with your contract information, you will receive an acknowledgment only that the matter you have referred has been received. We will not communicate back to you directly on what we do from there, including decisions not to proceed further once initial investigations are complete.

All referrals received are assessed to enable us to choose which issues to investigate. Our policy is to not make public announcements on which investigations we undertake, because this can hamper our work. If the Auditor-General determines that we will proceed to an investigation, we report our findings to the Parliament.

Our Annual Plan of Work and other completed audit reports can be found under the Reports section of our website:


A summary of the process taken in a Tasmanian Audit Office performance audit of a state entity can be found here.